
中神普及神學叢書(15 vols.) CGST Series(15 vols.)


零售價: $276.85


預購價: $276.85

榮耀歸神:敬拜的聖經神學探源(繁)For the Glory of God: Recovering a biblical theology of worship (Traditional Chinese)

榮耀歸神:敬拜的聖經神學探源(繁)For the Glory of God: Recovering a biblical theology of worship (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $45.99

節省 15%

預購價: $45.04

爬進耶穌的懷裡:嬰幼兒靈命培育(繁)Cradling in the Bosom of Jesus - Spiritual Growth for Infants (Traditional Chinese)

爬進耶穌的懷裡:嬰幼兒靈命培育(繁)Cradling in the Bosom of Jesus - Spiritual Growth for Infants (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $21.99

節省 15%

預購價: $21.24

擁抱殘疾的教會:群體中經歷醫治和牧養(繁)Embracing Disabilities in the Church: Healing and Pastoral Ministry as a Community (Traditional Chinese)

擁抱殘疾的教會:群體中經歷醫治和牧養(繁)Embracing Disabilities in the Church: Healing and Pastoral Ministry as a Community (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $17.99

節省 15%

預購價: $17.84

情如初見(繁)Love as We First Met (Traditional Chinese)

情如初見(繁)Love as We First Met (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $17.99

節省 15%

預購價: $17.84

心意更新(修訂版)(繁體)Ordering Your Private World (Traditional Chinese)

心意更新(修訂版)(繁體)Ordering Your Private World (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $19.99

節省 15%

預購價: $19.54

重拾生活的力量:靜心察覺.承諾行動(繁)Rejuvenating Strength for Life: The Power of Mindful Awareness and Committed Action (Traditional Chinese)

重拾生活的力量:靜心察覺.承諾行動(繁)Rejuvenating Strength for Life: The Power of Mindful Awareness and Committed Action (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

節省 15%

預購價: $14.44

身心社靈的婚前輔導:指導本(繁)Integral Pre-marital Counseling (Traditional Chinese)

身心社靈的婚前輔導:指導本(繁)Integral Pre-marital Counseling (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

節省 15%

預購價: $14.44

身心社靈的婚前輔導:新人本(繁)Integral Pre-marital Counseling: Workbook (Traditional Chinese)

身心社靈的婚前輔導:新人本(繁)Integral Pre-marital Counseling: Workbook (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $11.99

節省 15%

預購價: $11.89

成長與塑造:輔導員持續得力之道(繁)Counselor’s Growth and Formation: Path of Empowerment (Traditional Chinese)

成長與塑造:輔導員持續得力之道(繁)Counselor’s Growth and Formation: Path of Empowerment (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

節省 15%

預購價: $14.44

從學道到宣講:華人女性駕馭文化的講道(繁)Culturally Well-handled Preaching for Chinese Women (Traditional Chinese)

從學道到宣講:華人女性駕馭文化的講道(繁)Culturally Well-handled Preaching for Chinese Women (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $12.99

節省 15%

預購價: $12.74

相愛又相爭:教會衝突的反思(繁)Church Conflicts: Socio-Psychological and Pastoral Perspectives (Traditional Chinese)

相愛又相爭:教會衝突的反思(繁)Church Conflicts: Socio-Psychological and Pastoral Perspectives (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $16.99

節省 15%

預購價: $16.99

召命:以生命回應神的召喚(繁體)Answering His Call (Traditional Chinesse)

召命:以生命回應神的召喚(繁體)Answering His Call (Traditional Chinesse)

零售價: $18.99

節省 15%

預購價: $18.69

效法耶穌的服侍(繁)Jesus Driven Ministry (Traditional Chinese)

效法耶穌的服侍(繁)Jesus Driven Ministry (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $16.99

節省 15%

預購價: $16.14

領導由心—成熟領袖的六個要素(繁)Six Leadership Essentials (Traditional Chinese)

領導由心—成熟領袖的六個要素(繁)Six Leadership Essentials (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $22.99


預購價: $22.99

教會在世:踐行上帝的使命(繁) The Church Fulfilling Divine Mission (Traditional Chinese)

教會在世:踐行上帝的使命(繁) The Church Fulfilling Divine Mission (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $16.99

節省 15%

預購價: $16.99

活現和平——整全使命的實踐(繁體)Shalom, the Practice of Integral Mission (Traditional Chinese)

活現和平——整全使命的實踐(繁體)Shalom, the Practice of Integral Mission (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $16.99

節省 15%

預購價: $16.14

屬靈門徒(繁)Spiritual Discipleship (Traditional Chinese)

屬靈門徒(繁)Spiritual Discipleship (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $15.99

節省 15%

預購價: $15.29

屬靈領袖(繁)Spiritual Leadership (Traditional Chinese)

屬靈領袖(繁)Spiritual Leadership (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $13.99

節省 15%

預購價: $13.59

葛培理夫婦的人生態度:使命傳承十大要訣(繁)Ruth and Billy Graham, The Legacy of a Couple: 10 Core Values for a Blessed Ministry (Traditional Chinese)

葛培理夫婦的人生態度:使命傳承十大要訣(繁)Ruth and Billy Graham, The Legacy of a Couple: 10 Core Values for a Blessed Ministry (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $18.99

節省 15%

預購價: $18.69



新約深度行(繁) A Historical and Theological Introduction to the New Testament (Traditional Chinese)


零售價: $33.39

加拉太書導讀:猶太背景新蹊徑(繁)The Holy Epistle to the Galatians: Sermons on a Messianic Jewish Approach (Traditional Chinese)

加拉太書導讀:猶太背景新蹊徑(繁)The Holy Epistle to the Galatians: Sermons on a Messianic Jewish Approach (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $22.59

慷慨的正義:如何靠恩典行出上帝的公義 (繁體) Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just (Traditional Chinese)

慷慨的正義:如何靠恩典行出上帝的公義 (繁體) Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $12.49

從釋經到釋人:90篇聖經人物靈修(繁) People in the Bible: Probing 90 Biblical Narratives (Traditional Chinese)

從釋經到釋人:90篇聖經人物靈修(繁) People in the Bible: Probing 90 Biblical Narratives (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $26.49

迷霧裡的召命(繁) Vocation in the Mist (Traditional Chinese)

迷霧裡的召命(繁) Vocation in the Mist (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $8.99

播種國際事工查經系列(繁體)Spring of Water International Ministries Bible Study Series (Traditional Chinese)

播種國際事工查經系列(繁體)Spring of Water International Ministries Bible Study Series (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $245.88

IVP聖經信息系列 (53本)  IVP The Bible Speaks Today (53 Vols.)

IVP聖經信息系列 (53本) IVP The Bible Speaks Today (53 Vols.)

零售價: $849.99

聖道聖經主題系列(繁體)Word Biblical Themes Collections(Traditional Chinese)

聖道聖經主題系列(繁體)Word Biblical Themes Collections(Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $359.99

聖經精讀叢書:創世記 (2 Vols.) (繁體)

聖經精讀叢書:創世記 (2 Vols.) (繁體)

零售價: $43.98



零售價: $69.99

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每日一詩:詩篇卷一~五(繁體) A Psalm A Day (Psalms: Books I – V) (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $59.99

高銘謙釋經系列(繁體)(3 Vols.)

高銘謙釋經系列(繁體)(3 Vols.)

零售價: $55.50

陶恕精選系列(繁體)(14 Vols.)

陶恕精選系列(繁體)(14 Vols.)

零售價: $229.85

新國際聖經註釋系列二 (繁體) (6本) The New International Commentary Two (Traditional Chinese) (6 vols)

新國際聖經註釋系列二 (繁體) (6本) The New International Commentary Two (Traditional Chinese) (6 vols)

零售價: $383.99

聖經的詞裏人間:一些聖經詞語的學習筆記(繁體)Condensing Meaning with Words: Study Notes of Some Biblical Words (Traditional Chinese) )

聖經的詞裏人間:一些聖經詞語的學習筆記(繁體)Condensing Meaning with Words: Study Notes of Some Biblical Words (Traditional Chinese) )

零售價: $19.99

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聖經亞蘭文-希伯來文部分(繁體) Biblical Aramaic for Biblical Interpreters (Hebrew section, Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $27.99

聖經亞蘭文-亞蘭文部分(繁體)Biblical Aramaic for Biblical Interpreters (Aramaic section, Traditional Chinese)

聖經亞蘭文-亞蘭文部分(繁體)Biblical Aramaic for Biblical Interpreters (Aramaic section, Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $27.99

普世宣教:神學、策略與最新議題(繁體) World Mission: Theology, Strategy, and Current Issues (Traditional Chinese)

普世宣教:神學、策略與最新議題(繁體) World Mission: Theology, Strategy, and Current Issues (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $24.99

傳道書(繁體)NICOT: The Book of Ecclesiastes (TC)

傳道書(繁體)NICOT: The Book of Ecclesiastes (TC)

零售價: $49.99

雅歌(繁體)NICOT: Song of Songs (TC)

雅歌(繁體)NICOT: Song of Songs (TC)

零售價: $49.99

腓立比書(繁體)NICNT: Paul's Letter to the Philippians (TC)

腓立比書(繁體)NICNT: Paul's Letter to the Philippians (TC)

零售價: $60.99

彼得前書(繁體)NICNT: The First Epistle of Peter (TC)

彼得前書(繁體)NICNT: The First Epistle of Peter (TC)

零售價: $49.99

約翰書信(繁體)NICNT: The Epistles of John (TC)

約翰書信(繁體)NICNT: The Epistles of John (TC)

零售價: $49.99

研讀、應用、分享──講道牧養系列(繁體)(5 vols.)Study, Apply, Share - Pastorum Series (Traditional Chinese)

研讀、應用、分享──講道牧養系列(繁體)(5 vols.)Study, Apply, Share - Pastorum Series (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $145.95

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呂振中聖經譯本(繁體) LYU JHEN JHONG Bible (Traditional Chinese)


思高聖經譯本(繁體) SIH GAO Bible (Traditional Chinese)

思高聖經譯本(繁體) SIH GAO Bible (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $26.99

麥克阿瑟新約註釋系列 (繁體:7本) The MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Traditional Chinese, 7 Vol.)

麥克阿瑟新約註釋系列 (繁體:7本) The MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Traditional Chinese, 7 Vol.)

零售價: $99.99

聖經經典500問全集 (2本) Hard Sayings of the Bible (2 Vols.)

聖經經典500問全集 (2本) Hard Sayings of the Bible (2 Vols.)

零售價: $64.98

新舊約聖經故事導覽:175個聖經敘事的解經與應用 (繁體) The Bible Story Handbook (Traditional Chinese)

新舊約聖經故事導覽:175個聖經敘事的解經與應用 (繁體) The Bible Story Handbook (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $32.99

跨越藩籬的福音:給全世界的羅馬書 (繁體) The Book of Romans: Gospel that Transcends all the Barriers (Traditional Chinese)

跨越藩籬的福音:給全世界的羅馬書 (繁體) The Book of Romans: Gospel that Transcends all the Barriers (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $21.99

創造與祝福—創世記註釋與信息 (繁體) Creation and Blessing: a Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis (Traditional Chinese)

創造與祝福—創世記註釋與信息 (繁體) Creation and Blessing: a Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $39.99

福音的大能——與斯托得一起讀羅馬書 (繁體) Reading Romans with John Stott: with questions for groups or individuals (Traditional Chinese)

福音的大能——與斯托得一起讀羅馬書 (繁體) Reading Romans with John Stott: with questions for groups or individuals (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $16.99

耶穌的邀請:與斯托得一起讀登山寶訓 (繁體) Reading the Sermon on the Mount with John Stott (Traditional Chinese)

耶穌的邀請:與斯托得一起讀登山寶訓 (繁體) Reading the Sermon on the Mount with John Stott (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $11.99

與神立約(繁體)By God, I Will (Traditional Chinese)

與神立約(繁體)By God, I Will (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $6.99

窺見奧秘: 但以理書註釋 (繁) Glimpsing the Mystery: The Book of Daniel (Traditional Chinese)

窺見奧秘: 但以理書註釋 (繁) Glimpsing the Mystery: The Book of Daniel (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $8.99

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马太福音释经默想 (简体中文)Expository Thoughts on Matthew (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $7.49

马可福音释经默想 (简体中文)Expository Thoughts on Mark (Simplified Chinese)

马可福音释经默想 (简体中文)Expository Thoughts on Mark (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $6.99

路加福音释经默想(简体中文) Expository Thoughts on Luke (Simplified Chinese)

路加福音释经默想(简体中文) Expository Thoughts on Luke (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $12.99

聆聽聖經的語言:藉耶穌的耳聆聽聖經的語言(繁體) Listening to the Language of the Bible (Traditional Chinese)

聆聽聖經的語言:藉耶穌的耳聆聽聖經的語言(繁體) Listening to the Language of the Bible (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $15.99

設計釋經講道(繁體) Design For Expository Preaching (Traditional Chinese)

設計釋經講道(繁體) Design For Expository Preaching (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $29.99

摩根講道法進階(繁體) ADVANCED PREACHING (Traditional Chinese)

摩根講道法進階(繁體) ADVANCED PREACHING (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $7.99

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跟著聖經去挖寶——觀點、歷史、解說,領隊吳獻章教授帶你全景讀聖經(繁體)Follow the Bible to Dig for Treasure (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

恩上加恩--傅立德牧師福音講道集(繁體) Grace Upon Grace (Traditional Chinese)

恩上加恩--傅立德牧師福音講道集(繁體) Grace Upon Grace (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $10.99

像保罗一样讲道(简体) Preaching Like Paul: Homiletical Wisdom for Today (Simplified Chinese)

像保罗一样讲道(简体) Preaching Like Paul: Homiletical Wisdom for Today (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $11.59

講道者工作坊(繁體) The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today's Communicators  (Traditional Chinese)

講道者工作坊(繁體) The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today's Communicators (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $38.99

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鬱火重生──焦點解決教牧諮商與憂鬱症的相遇(繁體)Rebirth After Depression: Solution Focus Pastoral Counseling and The Encounter of Depression (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $13.99

機智的好撒瑪利亞人:21世紀基督徒助人前要知道的11件事 (繁體) When Helping Hurts: how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor—and yourself (Traditional Chinese)

機智的好撒瑪利亞人:21世紀基督徒助人前要知道的11件事 (繁體) When Helping Hurts: how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor—and yourself (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $21.99

親子教育系列(4 Vols.)

親子教育系列(4 Vols.)

零售價: $51.96

有愛,無癮──數位海洛因下的全球失控,行為類成癮者的迢迢康復路(繁體)With Love, No Addiction: The Global Outbreak of Digital Heroin and the Long Road to Recovery for Behavioral Addicts (Traditional Chinese)

有愛,無癮──數位海洛因下的全球失控,行為類成癮者的迢迢康復路(繁體)With Love, No Addiction: The Global Outbreak of Digital Heroin and the Long Road to Recovery for Behavioral Addicts (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $20.99

你和我一辈子 (简体) You and Me Forever (Simplified Chinese)

你和我一辈子 (简体) You and Me Forever (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $11.99

新眼新見 (繁體) Seeing with New Eyes (Traditional Chinese)

新眼新見 (繁體) Seeing with New Eyes (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

21世紀教牧倫理學(繁體) Pastoral ethics in the 21st century(Traditional Chinese)

21世紀教牧倫理學(繁體) Pastoral ethics in the 21st century(Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $22.99

飲於生命之泉──焦點解決教牧諮商(SFPC)(繁體)Drinking from the Fountain of Life: Solution Focus Pastoral Counselor (SFPC) (Traditional Chinese)

飲於生命之泉──焦點解決教牧諮商(SFPC)(繁體)Drinking from the Fountain of Life: Solution Focus Pastoral Counselor (SFPC) (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $27.99

不住禱告:重振牧養關懷 (繁)Pray without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care (Traditional Chinese)

不住禱告:重振牧養關懷 (繁)Pray without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $19.99

善牧领袖:如何在教会里有效地牧养群羊(简体)The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church (Simplified Chinese)

善牧领袖:如何在教会里有效地牧养群羊(简体)The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $13.99

以西結的領導學—領袖、異象、新時代 (繁體) Reflection on Leadership Based on Ezekiel (Traditional Chinese)

以西結的領導學—領袖、異象、新時代 (繁體) Reflection on Leadership Based on Ezekiel (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $14.99

崇拜主禮指南(繁體) Leading in worship (Traditional Chinese)

崇拜主禮指南(繁體) Leading in worship (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $24.99

跟耶穌學領導力: 給今日領袖一個永不過時的模式(繁)Leadership Lessons of Jesus: A Timeless Model for Today’s Leaders (Traditional Chinese)

跟耶穌學領導力: 給今日領袖一個永不過時的模式(繁)Leadership Lessons of Jesus: A Timeless Model for Today’s Leaders (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $8.99

論領導——聖經中的教會、福音與事奉的模式(繁體) Calling Christian Leaders (Traditional Chinese)

論領導——聖經中的教會、福音與事奉的模式(繁體) Calling Christian Leaders (Traditional Chinese)

零售價: $8.99

领导力 (简) The Book on Leadership (Simplified Chinese)

领导力 (简) The Book on Leadership (Simplified Chinese)

零售價: $4.99

公共的教會:巴默爾談與陌生人做朋友(繁體)  The company of strangers : Christians and the renewal of America's public life (Traditional Chinese)

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