產品>The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition

The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition

, 2004
國際書號: 9780826462220

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The existence of evil in the world represents one of the most complex problems for those who believe in God. Here, a range of Jewish and Christian contributors examine the issue of evil in the Bible and its impact on Judaism and Christianity from a variety of perspectives. For example, how has Jewish mysticism explained evil, and what were Luther's thoughts on the topic? The dialogue between specialists from different fields allows a broad overview of this problematic issue.


Contributions to this volume include:

  • “Evil in the Book of Kings,” Winfried Thiel
  • “Jeremiah 50–51 and the Concept of Evil in the Hebrew Bible,” Yair Hoffman
  • “The Wrath at God in the Book of Lamentations,” Edward L. Greenstein
  • “Evil and Its Symbols in Psalm 14, 52, 36, 12,” Osnat Singer
  • “The Evil Ones and the Godless: A Prophecy of Identity in Biblical Wisdom,” Henning Graf Reventlow
  • “The Devil in the Revelation of St. John,” Klaus Wengst
  • “Evil in the World of Religions,” Hans-Peter Hasenfratz
  • “Evil and Its Symbols in the Qumran Scrolls,” Bilha Nitzan
  • “The Concept of Evil and Its Sanctification in Kabbalistic Thought,” Yoram Jacobson
  • “Augustine and Luther on Evil,” Dietmar Wyrwa
  • “Good and Evil in Ethics,” Christofer Frey
  • “The Riddle of Evil: The Auschwitz Question,” Christian Link
  • “Evil: A Topic for Religious Education?” Franz-Heinrich Beyer
  • “The Question of Evil in Israeli Holocaust Fiction,” Yochai Oppenheimer
  • Title: The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition
  • Authors: Henning G. Reventlow and Yair Hoffman
  • Publisher: Continuum
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 220

Henning Graf Reventlow is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology, Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of the Ruhr, Bochum, Germany.

Yair Hoffman is an Emeritus Professor of Bible at Tel-Aviv University. He has published books on various biblical topics such as the Exodus, prophecies against foreign nations, Job, and Jeremiah.


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