Logos 電子版
"For most Bible readers Ezekiel is almost a closed book," writes John Taylor. "Their knowledge of him extends little further than his mysterious vision of God's chariot-throne, with its wheels within wheels, and the vision of the valley of the dry bones ... In its structure, however, if not in its thought and language, the book of Ezekiel has a basic simplicity, and its orderly framework makes it easy to analyse." Taylor's commentary offers a portrait of the prophet, places his prophecies within their historical settings, and provides an overview of the book's contents and themes.
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Get the full commentary set: Tyndale Commentaries (49 vols.).
“The bones represent the Israelites in exile. They have been there for more than ten years now, and what glimmerings of hope they had when first they arrived have now been altogether extinguished. Their hope was lost: as bones, they were very dry.” (Page 228)
“But this only proves that the metaphors are there to reinforce the fact of what God is planning to do, namely to effect the revival of his dispirited people, Israel. The figures of speech do not have validity in their own right. This passage does not therefore teach a doctrine of resurrection from the dead, either general, national or individual. Nor does it even imply a belief in resurrection on the part of Ezekiel or his hearers. All that can be said of it is that Ezekiel uses the language of resurrection to illustrate the promise of Israel’s return to a new life in her own land from the deathlike existence of the Babylonian exile.” (Page 229)
“The four winds represent the four corners of the earth (cf. 7:2). Notice that, throughout this vision, Ezekiel has acted under orders and has even described his own implicit obedience to God’s commands (7, 10). In so doing he emphasizes that this work of revival is God’s work from start to finish. If man plays any part in it himself, it is only in obedience to God’s direction. The same can be said of man’s contribution to any spiritual revival.” (Page 231)
“If it were nothing more than that, we could sum up his teaching in two phrases: God will destroy and, after 587 bc, God will restore and rebuild.” (Page 42)
“The picture of the character and personality of Ezekiel appears consistent through the whole of the book;” (Page 18)
John B. Taylor was formerly Bishop of St Albans, England.