產品>The Letter to the Hebrews (Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC)

The Letter to the Hebrews (Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC)

, 2023
國際書號: 9780802875716

Logos 電子版

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What does the Letter to the Hebrews have to say to Christians today?

A compelling exhortation to hold true to the faith in the face of adversity. A sermon rife with iconic imagery and Old Testament allusions. A signal work of theology in the New Testament.

Above all, the Letter to the Hebrews proclaims the high priesthood of Jesus Christ. But the book’s textual complexity and long history of interpretation can be overwhelming. In this new Pillar commentary, Sigurd Grindheim illuminates the Letter to the Hebrews, paying careful attention to linguistic features and historical context—all while centering its relevance to modern readers.

Grindheim clearly and comprehensively addresses major issues about the text, including authorship, date, canonicity, formal qualities, and major themes. Following his thorough introduction, he explains each line of the text and its significance for believers today. Grindheim’s commentary offers pastors, students, and scholars the clarity and fresh insights they want in their scriptural study.

  • Explains each line of the text and its significance for believers today
  • Offers pastors, students, and scholars the clarity and fresh insights they want in their scriptural study
  • Addresses major issues about the text, including authorship, date, canonicity, formal qualities, and major themes


5 評級

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  1. Brian Lin

    Brian Lin


  2. John Spinella
  3. Mark Cannon

    Mark Cannon


  4. MattGZat



    An excellent, welcome addition to commentaries on the Letter to the Hebrews. Within are (1) 10 Excursuses, (2) numerous aspects surrounding the 'Reception' of Hebrews, (3) copious indices, a refreshing style of writing the commentary that is (4) conversant with the works of other authors and (5) contains over 800 footnotes - all within its 814 pages. An impressive addition of materials relevant to understanding Hebrews.
  5. Joe Petrone

    Joe Petrone

