產品>Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ (Focus on the Bible | FB)

Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ (Focus on the Bible | FB)

國際書號: 9781845502645

Logos 電子版

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For each section of the Bible, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries summarize the passage of Scripture, including the intentions of the authors, the historical and cultural environment, and the questions and issues raised by a particular passage. But most importantly, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries brings you into the heart of the Bible, by explaining Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living.

Ephesians is a letter to a church very much like yours. Paul is obviously commended that this young church gets its foundations right. It is intriguing that later, when writing to Timothy, he says that there are some in the church promoting "false doctrines." The leadership was in revolt! Yet in the Revelation given to John, Jesus commends the Ephesian church that they have thrown out the false teachers and are a congregation who has staying power despite their setbacks. The church of Ephesus had been through the mill but back out the other side! What was their secret? You will find out as you explore this letter to the church, ably expounded by Paul Gardner.

What’s more, with the Logos edition, Scripture passages are linked to your favorite English translation for quick reference, or to your Greek and Hebrew texts for original-language study! That gives you quick access to the message of the Bible as you study it! You can also read the Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ along with your Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the wealth of other Bible study tools in your digital library. This commentary will serve as a vital aid for sermon preparation, for personal and group Bible study, and for anyone looking to apply the text of Scripture to practical Christian life.

  • Chapter-by-chapter commentary
  • Accessible and readable exposition
  • Eminently useful for preaching, teaching, and both personal and group Bible study

Top Highlights

“The picture is of a Roman soldier proudly and unswervingly standing his ground and using all the weapons, offensive and defensive, at his disposal.” (Page 166)

“Humility means putting the other person first, thinking of his or her needs before our own.” (Page 96)

“Gentleness in our relationships with others is the opposite of dominating or forcing ourselves on people. It is about consideration for the other, about peacefulness rather than provocation.” (Page 96)

“First, we should be unified in our local churches. The lack of perceived and of actual unity among believers worshipping in the same church brings dishonour upon God and flies in the face of his Spirit’s work among us. Humility, patience and forbearing with each other are often not what most characterises church members. Paul insists this work takes effort. Biting our tongues may be essential. We must learn discernment so that we can judge whether it is essential for the sake of the gospel truth to indicate we differ from someone, or whether we simply differ because we have different tastes or backgrounds or preferences.” (Page 100)

“Being ‘in Christ’ or ‘in Christ Jesus’ pulls together all that is Christian existence. It sums up all that Christians have and are as ‘coheirs’ (Rom. 8:17) with Christ, as his people. It speaks of the huge privileges that are ours, and the great inheritance that is ours. The phrase points to the fact that Christ is truly our representative King. He brings us before God and brings God to us. (We shall see in due course that in many ways what is true of our King can also be said to be true of us. For example, see on 2:5–6.) Being ‘in Christ’ is therefore an immense privilege for all who are called and have faith in him.” (Page 18)

. . . handles the text soundly and carefully and also provides applications at the end of most sections.

Steve Wilmshurst, Evangelical Now

  • Title: Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ
  • Author: Paul Gardner
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 192

Paul Gardner was previously a lecturer in New Testament at Oak Hill Theological College in London and Rural Dean in the Church of England. After serving as Archdeacon of Exeter for three years, in 2005 Dr. Gardner moved to Atlanta, Georgia and currently serves as Senior Minister at Christ Church Presbyterian in Atlanta.


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