產品>Matthew 1: Chapters 1:1–16:12 - KJV (The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible | POSB)

Matthew 1: Chapters 1:1–16:12 - KJV (The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible | POSB)

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The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB) is a practical, biblical commentary that will help you preach and teach the gospel. Much more than a commentary, it is a complete resource for expository and topical preaching. The POSB provides a plethora of resources needed to prepare biblical, life-changing sermons and lessons. Gain a lifetime of inspirational sermon material and simplify and enrich your personal study and preparation.

Top Highlights

“b. Jesus is talking about being so wrapped up in securing things that we become anxious, disturbed, and sleepless.” (Page 138)

“Before Christ, the law described how God wanted man to live. The law was the ideal, the words that told man what he was to do. But Christ fulfilled and completed the law; that is, God gave man more than just mere words to describe how He wants man to live. He gave man the Life, the Person who perfectly pictures and demonstrates the law before the world’s very eyes. Jesus Christ is the Picture, the Living Example, the Pattern, the Demonstration of life as it is to be lived. He is the Perfect Picture of God’s will, the Ideal Man, the Representative Man, the Pattern for all men.” (Page 74)

“Light penetrates. By nature it cuts through and eliminates darkness.” (Page 71)

“ Jesus saved Peter but rebuked his faltering faith. He saves a person with little faith, but He rebukes it.” (Page 346)

“Wise Men: the wise men’s unexpected commission: having to search for the newborn King. Note the wise men’s testimony about the star. The wise men had unashamedly testified to the supernatural, the star that had led them to seek the newborn King. All the city had heard their testimony, even Herod. The wise men were now commissioned to go and search and find the child. The newborn King’s own people were not even aware of His coming. The wise men never expected they would have to search for Him.” (Page 23)


2 評級

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  1. Erlinda Mendoza

    Erlinda Mendoza


  2. Wesley Crouch

    Wesley Crouch


    Preachers Outline and Sermon Bible is one of the best commentaries I have and use both in print and on my computer.
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電子書價格: $31.95
定價: $25.99
節省 $15.60 (60%)