Logos 電子版
In this volume, Norman Habel takes on the humbling task of writing a commentary on such a classic work as the book of Job, a text that is complex and unclear at many points. He includes notes on linguistic elements and highlights the aspects of literature present within the text.
“Job’s concern is not with blatant public misdeeds, but with a particular sin his sons might have committed ‘in their hearts’ (cf. Gen. 6:5).” (Page 88)
“way,’ is a symbol for the conduct of life, personal destiny, and the underlying principle of order” (Page 111)
“Thus Behemoth is to be taken as a symbol of the mighty historical forces Yahweh controls” (Page 557)
“What is the lesson for Job? That he cannot control Behemoth like Yahweh?” (Page 559)
“Job is introduced as an ancient paragon of piety and wisdom” (Page 85)